Our "Easylife Resourceful" competitions seemed to wane a little towards the end for what reason I know not. Theme, server issue, time or just apathy.....
Do you think we should continue with that theme or try something different?
Should we resort back to the basic comp with just a theme of say 3 films??
I had thought perhaps we start a thread with suggestion for a theme/film Then put that to vote to select a winner. Then perhaps for a change we get members to add resources. (give me and the rest of the team a break from sourcing items
Or failing that if anyone else has an idea they would like to table then I'm all ears.
I do like the "Easylife Resourceful" competition and would love to be able to capture the interest we had with "RocknRolla". That was a real privalige to be part of. I do think the resources helped with that one however.
So over to you guys to let me know what you think.....