by Pip » Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:49 pm
chouette wrote:How strange that your upload is so high now compared to the download. Very freaky, lol
Not really, the congestion is occurring on the downstream only as the downstream is not traffic managed whereas the upsteam is. i.e. try uploading too much in a managed time and your upload speed gets cut by 75% or thereabouts. I don't upload massive amounts so it won't affect me.
I'm with the only cable co in the UK, Virgin Media, now owned by Liberty Global. Many US users will know of the company.
Where my problem arises from is not the companies involved but the infrastructure that was put in place in the beginning, each area dominated by different telco's using different standards. By and large that has been changed over the years as first NTL became the sole provider in an amalgamation of the last 2 big names (NTL and Telewest) following various takeovers.
Long story short the network needed massive upgrades which in fairness NTL (then working under the Virgin Media name) started to undertake. The massive borrowings involved left an opening for a takeover by Liberty Global and sure enough it happened.
Don't think I'm painting LG as the bad boy here. They are not and are investing billions in upgrading and expanding the network, the problem is the legacy hubsites they've inherited. Those are a nightmare for the provider.
In fairness due to my work I have contacts in the industry so I know what's planned, but it seems week by week they hit a new problem. TBH it won't be long before I have to decide to cut and run to another provider or stick with the one I have.
It won't be much longer before I decide as I have an up and coming project which will need a reliable connection.
Sad Lexa Doig Fan and PROUD of it!
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